There are many aspects of off-site search engine optimization that almost every SEO is familiar and aware of, including link building, blog commenting and social bookmarking and tagging for external meta data. Let’s not forget however, that there is an entire practice of site structure, keyword density and on-page factors as well.
There are many tactics one can work with to optimize site pages for on-page SEO which may result in a higher rank for each of your site’s web pages.
Here are the following tactics of on-page SEO :
- The Meta Keywords, Description and Robots tag — Google used description copy to market your site in its results, treat this as optimized sales copy. Make sure your sitemap.xml page is CONSTANTLY called up to the search engines
- The Title Tag – The MOST important aspect of on-page SEO, just take our word for it.
- The Body Text (focus on the body text in bold, for this denotes strong emphasis to the search engines)
- The first sentence in the body text and the first words used per sentence are the most important ones for advanced on-page SEO necessities (Make it humanly readable and SE readable — The words used in the first sentence are most important due to the implementation of Google’s LSI algorithm)
- The URL — The subdirectory folder and page of content should be SEO’d (i.e. would fetch a high ranking for a page dedicated to real estate marketing ideas – especially with many highly authoritative, relevant, deep in-bound links)
- The H1 and H2 Texts are highly important – Why? They show the search engine the main subjects and Table of Contents for the content to be indexed. Make these keyword friendly and reflective of your page’s title tag.
- Same Site Link Texts — The links connecting the pages of your site together must have your targeted keyword terms in them as well as all links throughout the site — even though it seems excessive, having variations to your targetted keywords would also help when linking out to other pages within your site.
- Same-Site Link URLs — Not only should you be using your keywords to describe pages within your site, those URLs you link to must have SEO URLs ( eg:
- Outbound Link Text — Resources you link to must be SEO’d – If you are an internet marketing site and are linking to an email marketing company (email marketing software in this instance), you would use “Put your internet marketing on auto-pilot and use the best tool for internet marketers today – internet marketing email software. Then just use other variants to internet marketing.
- IMG Alt Tags — Your images should be described via ALT Tags with the keywords you are optimizing for – If your image is hosted on your web-host, the file name of the images should also be SEO’d — If you have an image about polar bears have it be polar-bear.jpg in your images folder.
- Keyword Density — 8% is excellent and doesn’t seem spammy, if you have a 500 word article, then 40 of those words should have variances of the search term you are targeting, if this seems excessive, lower the keyword density down to 5% and you will only need to add 25 variances/instances of your keyword. And that’s just a start… (Keyword prominence is big, but not worth a discussion).
- Lastly and surprisingly, Your HTML comments should have your SEO terms in them (!!) — As a question to the relevancy this has to your ranking, I am unsure, but most of the large sites have html comments connected to their search terms. If you end up doing an analysis of your on-page content, you can find out if the high ranked sites for your keyword use HTML comments tagged to the keyword(s) being targeted.
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